Thursday, October 31, 2013

Sin City by Night - The Cover for The Story

To commemorate this year's Halloween, I have decided that I should reveal to the interested public this humble Photoshop artwork that shall serve as the cover picture of the still open, vampire collaborative work: "Sin City by Night." If you are a fellow writer at Protagonize who desires to partake in this magnificent and uncanny work, hesitate not in beseeching me. I hope this cover delights you... profoundly. :)

Friday, October 18, 2013

The Neonate - Advertisement

I know not how I did it, but it looks quite impressive to me, given my scarce artistic skills! What do you think of it?

A Warm Reception

Welcome to my web log, dear reader. I consider it my pleasure that you decided to pay it a visit. Here you will find the most recent notifications about my works on Protagonize, as well as developer updates and artwork pertaining to them. Please do not hesitate to ask questions if you would like to. :)